Can we tailor the ErgoPro risk assessment to suit our own working environment?

Yes, the question wordings can be tailored to suit your own DSE working environment. Questions can be updated or removed, new questions added. Automated follow-up actions can be applied to any of the questions (e.g. send a document, flag for follow-up) and can be tailored as well. However, we don't recommend the questions are altered unless it is to tailor them to suit a particular working environment. The ErgoPro question set has been developed by our Ergonomists to comply with the DSE regulations and provide a rigorous risk assessment. In the case of a standard office environment we would recommend sticking with the standard question set.

The follow-up Solutions can also be tailored and branded. Tailoring is usually just to make sure the Solutions are consistent with the organisation's staff manual and working practices. ErgoPro can also automatically send bespoke documents such as eye test policy/vouchers and specific chair adjustment instructions. Once an order is placed for ErgoPro, we can provide PDF or hard copies of the risk assessment screens and follow-up Solutions so that any changes required can be identified as part of preparing the system for go-live.

If you didn't find the answer you need, please contact us at [email protected] or on 01323 886205.

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