Support Articles

If you don't find the answers you need, please contact us at [email protected] or on 01323 886205.

About Your DSE Assessment

The Health & Safety Executive requires your employer to ensure your health and safety whilst at your workstation. This includes office based, home based and flexible working environments. ErgoPro is an online training and risk assessment system. ErgoPro helps your employer set up and distribute training and risk assessments to ensure your wellbeing.. Read More

Quick Start for Admins

Once logged in, select People People from the main menu.. Read More

Your Assessment - Quick Start

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to start your assessment on the ErgoPro website. It includes specific actions such as navigating to the login page, entering your username and password, and selecting the appropriate assessment options. Following these steps will help you get started with your assessment quickly and efficien.. Read More

Your Assessment - What Happens Next?

Depending on your answers, ErgoPro may automatically send you some further information. This is designed to help you resolve many of the common queries and issues about setting up your workstation.From the follow-up email, click the 'Go To Dashboard' button to arrive at your Personal Dashboard.Click 'Read' to view the follow-up information.Once read.. Read More

Are certificates printed at the end to say the individual has undergone the tutorial and assessment?

The focus of the assessment is the individual risk and to identify any follow-up actions required. The assessment therefore results in follow-up information being sent to the DSE user where required. Any more serious issues are immediately flagged for follow-up by the systems administrator/s. You cannot pass or fail the assessment and therefore no certificate is require.. Read More

Browser Version and Capabilities

To check your browser type and capabilities, please go to Browser Check... Read More

Can we apply our branding to ErgoPro?

Yes, the system including the follow-up solution PDF documents can all be branded... Read More

Can we customise reports?

The ErgoPro system comes with a suite of 15 reports which cover most reporting requirements. We can also install bespoke reports if you have specific requirements... Read More

Can we tailor the ErgoPro risk assessment to suit our own working environment?

Yes, the question wordings can be tailored to suit your own DSE working environment. Questions can be updated or removed, new questions added. Automated follow-up actions can be applied to any of the questions (e.g. send a document, flag for follow-up) and can be tailored as well. However, we don't recommend the questions are altered unless it is to tailor them to suit .. Read More

Change Password

From the main menu, click your username (if you are an Admin, click 'User') and select Change Password from the dropdown menu.On the Manage Your Login page, click Change Password.Enter your current password, new password and confirm new password.Click Change Password.The next time you log in, you will use your new password... Read More